Begin your journey of knowledge and insight into te ao Māori.
- Are you an individual who wants to have confidence in conversing in basic Te Reo Māori?
- Does your team want to be more appreciative of wider cultural diversity and values?
- As a leader do you want to model increasing diversity in the workplace?
- Do you have a desire to learn more about the local kōrero of our beautiful Tauranga Moana?
We are providing a six-week informative and relaxed introductory course to begin your journey of knowledge and insight into te ao Māori (Māori world-view). The Programme consists of 6 x 2 hour interactive workshops workshops running from 10am to 12pm every Wednesday – with the final session being held at Huria marae.
Alongside others, you will build understanding of basic te ao Māori principles and values and learn how this knowledge and practice can strengthen your self-place and your work-place. You will become confident in speaking your pepeha (your connections, whānau and whakapapa) and co-learn as part of a relaxed, fun and supportive learning environment.
- Begin insight into te ao Māori – alignment of values
- Learn the process for relationship engagement when a guest at marae
- Learn how to apply relationship principles to work/business settings
- Improve pronunciation using pepeha, karakia and local place names
- Develop, learn and share your pepeha confidently in various settings
- Experience marae pōhiri process and share pepeha on the marae
- Develop a personal plan for continuing journey in te ao Māori
Programme Details:
Date: Beginning Wednesday 2nd October 10-12pm and running for 6 weeks
Venue: The Kollective, 145 Seventeenth Ave, Tauranga
Price: $865+GST and koha to marae
For further information: please contact Marie Roberts – | 021 119 0692
To register: please complete the registration form here
Feedback from some of our prior participants:
“I appreciated learning about te ao Maori in its entirety, rather than just one aspect of te ao Maori
(e.g. just te Reo, or just tikanga) which is an extremely effective way to learn.”
“ A true understanding of my pepeha and how to convey feeling, not just words.
I also gained a greater appreciation for how all of te ao Māori links back to the land and ancestors and how this drives their decisions nowadays.”
“Engaging, challenging but supportive, encouraging, fun, enthusiastic.”