Did you know NZ research (2020), shows us at 11% BURNT out with 20% about to burn out in NZ!  Check it out here:


Let’s assume:

  1. You already know you need an organisational wellbeing strategy and you actually want to put a plan in place to support yourself and your team.
  2. You’ve already seen sufficient evidence in news, Linkedin, every other social media feed that burnout is real.

Despite being aware of the current buzz around burnout, you don’t know how or where to start in introducing a wellbeing strategy within your team or organisation.

Here are some considerations that may help you start the journey.


Who needs to be involved from the start and who will have kaitiakitanga of this kaupapa (stewardship.. not ownership). Don’t immediately think SLT.. think of who in your whole team is an example of wellbeing, naturally leads others and gets people involved/engaged, and seems to be rejuvenated and re-energised when supporting people. Don’t fall into the trap thinking they need to have a ‘title’ to lead. If possible a proactive group of 3-5 is ideal for getting things off the ground.

Create Clarity

What do we want it to look like? Block out 3 hours to focus ONLY on this topic and workshop the vision, obstacles, possible transformation strategies, and defined actions. Clarity brings confidence. 

Ask the right questions

What does wellbeing mean to us here in the workplace?

What area of wellbeing is in greatest need of improvement right now?

In what ways would we know that our wellbeing in this area is improving?

What key principles will underpin coordinate our wellbeing ideas/activities?

Beyond gym memberships, lunchtime yoga, team lunch runs etc what system changes do we need to make to improve wellbeing?

In what ways can we turn wellbeing into a coordinated ‘system’ at work that becomes part of what we do?

What will be our agreed process for quickly resolving concerns and conflicts amongst us as we organise and implement this wellbeing initiative?

How do we create the feeling that everyone belongs and feels supported?


Measure Outcomes

Discuss the process/activities you believe you’ll need to achieve desired outcomes. And then define how you’ll measure progress (measuring both how well we follow the process and how well it achieves the outcomes). 

Collaborate and Celebrate

How will we ensure that we celebrate progress throughout the journey as well as at each milestone?

How can our wellbeing initiatives align with forums, activities, actions that we are already doing. Habit/behaviour stacking.

How do we ensure that everyone who wants to be involved has a job (no matter how small) that contributes to the wellbeing outcomes we want. Everyone wants to belong and feel like they’re contributing and it’s no different with any new initiative like this.


This will be enough to get you started.  Kānuka specialise in the development of organisational wellbeing strategy – simply reach out if you feel we can be of further assistance.  Connect with us here.

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