Growing Workplace Wellbeing & Success
Your increased ability as a leader, to look after, influence and engage your people, will give you the competitive advantage in business. We believe personal growth and building organisational success begins from four core foundational principles:
Staying Well
Your development of emotional awareness, a proactive mindset, and using our 15:3:1 wellbeing system are keys to sustainable success. These principles consistently applied create a wellspring of energy you can draw from to nourish yourself and build wellbeing. Our wellbeing coaching helps you create and maintain personal wellbeing patterns, so you can be a good kaitiaki of yourself and better manaaki others!
Getting the Most Out of Your Team
Leaders are responsible for setting the team culture and building commitment to collaboration. Your skillset will expand to a wider awareness of workplace wellbeing, environment and behaviour design principles, how to successfully and consistently nurture trust and belonging, and how to focus on and measure what matters most. Our 1:1 and group project coaching programmes help you to progress specific projects that are high priority right now.
Performing Under Pressure
Organisations thrive when successfully providing value – to both teams and customers. You will need to lead teams through natural stress and growth cycles, recognise how to inspire and develop team leaders, and learn how to assess and develop structure design and organisational strategy. Our group coaching and workshops help teams to nurture the right environment for productivity AND wellbeing, without burning out and without burning bridges.
Building Successful Diversity
Fundamental principles of human relationships and a desire for personal growth can be met through a broader understanding and knowledge of te ao Māori. Cultural awareness in the workplace will foster inclusivity, equality, diversity and justice. A te ao Māori perspective facilitates synergy, trust, collaboration, and as a natural result, higher team productivity.